Wii & Discworld?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by newspeedwaykid, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. newspeedwaykid New Member

    with the arrival of next gen consoles, i began to think of different games, My favorite game from childhood was discworld:the trouble with dragons,So naturally i thought there needs to be a disc world game for the next gen consoles. The wii-mote (controller for the wii) gives us the most promosing avenue, becuase the way it reads the remote you can use the remote as rincewalds wand and many other things. This new platform would bring a whole new era of people on to the discworld craze, and i would even settle for a remake of discworld 1 or 2. So Everyone add to this thread so that good ol' terry can get it in the works, the first game took me 2 months and the strategdy guide to beat ive never been challengend in a game that much since.
  2. Rewr New Member

    Discworld games

    As I'm new to home computing - what games would you reccommend for a beginner?

    I don't have any games consoles just the PC.

    I do like the sound of Wii, just need to save up for it.

  3. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Try the Elder Scrolls for a challenge.
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I once gave my mother Lemmings, the original one, and she has been hooked on it since, she must have played the whole game about 100 times... *sigh*

    The Wii is great fun, if we have a little spare cash we may just buy each other it for Christmas (I know, I'll give the in-laws hand-made presents and save loads there...) as we have played at friends' places and it's just great... A discworld game for Wii would be fun, but I doubt a little thread on a non-official message board would change anything.
  5. Roman_K New Member

    That really depends on which Elder Scrolls game you have in mind, Brad. I don't think they're all that good for a beginning gamer, be it in general or just for roleplaying games.

    I'd pick Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
  6. Rewr New Member

    A game will be out at some point, the money makers know there are people out there that will be all aquiver at the slightest whiff... 'want it want it want it...'

    I know what I was like when Hogfather was due to be released on Satelite TV. I don't have satelite. Fortunately one of my work colleagues took pity on the qivering mess sitting opposite her and recorded it for me.:D

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