Advance Reader Copies (ARCs)

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by TheJackal, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. TheJackal Member

    Has anyone else bought an ARC of a Pratchett book? Does the text change much compared to the final edition?

    I just bought a US ARC for Nation on eBay. Decided I couldn't wait til September & the price was right!

    I've seen ARCs sell for a good bit on eBay but only really the UK ones.
  2. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    I bought one for Thief of Time - the price wasn't really worth getting it a few months early. I noticed a few issues, some minor some major - minor issues typically included typos and punctuation mistakes, and these are sometimes present in the final proofs.

    The major issues included footnotes that were several pages away from the text they refered to, and at least one page of text completely out of position. I can best compare the experience to being in the middle of nowhere when your car radio finally picks up one of your all time favourite songs, but one you haven't heard in ages - only there's some static on the signal and it occasionally fades out on the best bits.

    Ultimately enjoyable, but at times quite frustrating.

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