Sorry it took me so long to post this. Between being busy and having a bad internet connection I couldn't get anything to work. I believe it is an easy subject, but you can make it more complicated if you wish. Closing date will be Friday 9th April so you should have plenty of time to think of something. The Rules: - Photographs must be taken by you - no nicking them off the Web - Photos must be taken specifically for the contest - get out there and get snapping! - One picture per person. - No excessive digital manipulation (i.e. adding a more dramatic sky from another photo to your picture, or creating negative images etc.). Cropping, and adjusting levels, contrast, saturation etc. is ok though. - Equipment: Anything goes as long as the results can be seen from here. - Voting takes place when the contest closes. - The winner of the contest gets to choose the next subject. - The entire community is allowed to vote for one picture in the voting thread And for information and review, here are the past competitions and their themes: I "Beginning": Photo Competition Thread II "Connection": Photo Competition II, November 2006 III "Faith": Photo Competition III, January 2007 IV "Colour": Photo Competition IV, Feb 2007. V "Time": Photo Competition V, March 2007 VI "Love": Photo competition VI VII "Landscape": Photo competition VII VIII "Moment": Photo Competition VIII IX "Roots": Photo Competition IX X "Surfaces": Photo Competition X XI "Joy": Photo Competition XI XII "Magic": Photo Competition XII XIII Shadow and Light": Photo Competition XIII XIV "Decay": Photo Competition XIV XV "Water": Photo Competition XV - Water XVI "Fire & Ice" Photo Competition XVI XVII "Dreams": Photo Competition XVII XVIII: "Bad Hair Day" Photo Competition XVIII XIX: "Ghosts" Photo Competition XIX XX: "Flight" Photo Competition XX XXI: "Shopping Days" Start date NOW Closing date for entries Friday 9th April
Great choice of subject Lyia.... Signs... hmmm. I had a great idea for this one but it involves convincing some unsuspecting young lady to Wear the type of night attire that becomes almost invisible when wet (so I've heard) Climb to the top of a mountain in a raging thunderstorm carrying a wooden staff and Shout out warnings to mankind in an ancient language against a background of electrical discharges and black clouds. And that was the easy option? Ah well, back to the drawing board.
Hey Joculator, I can help you with the ancient language and the background of electrical discharges and black clouds. But I have no idea where you are going to find a wooden staff. :lol:
Thanks for the generous offer Lyia but being a Morris man I can usually find a wooden staff. I think finding a mountain near to where I live was going to be the difficult bit. :sad: Anyway, in the absence of a good downfall of rain, it looks like I'm going to have to go with my second choice... An old crone dressed in a sackcloth toga hobbling down a Medditeranean street full of gladiators with a nice erupting volcano in the background instead... Or am I being too portentous with my ideas?
A sign of the times... A nice sea mist yesterday morning as I arrived at Hartlepool's Maritime Museum gave a nice ghostly backdrop to reflect the theme of the modern wrought ironwork. (HMS Trincomalee is the oldest British warship still afloat.)
I was going to submit a picture of pretty crocus' blooming in the woods, but my camera isn't very good, so I went with humor. Well at least I think it's funny.