Name: Hanro Warpacer Gender: Male Race: Dwarf Alignment: Neutral Good Physical Description: Age: 57 Size: Medium Height: 4' 3" Weight: 200 lb Skin: Yellow Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Brown, Curly, Thick Beard Stats: Strength 17 (+3) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 15 (+2) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 11 (+0) Charisma 10 (+0) Total Hit Points: 12 Speed: 20 feet Armor Class: 20 = 10 +5 [chainmail] +3 [shield+1] +2 [dexterity in armor] Touch AC: 12 Flat-footed: 18 Initiative modifier: +2= +2 [dexterity] Fortitude save: +4= 2 [base] +2 [constitution] Reflex save: +2= 0 [base] +2 [dexterity] Will save: 0= 0 [base] +0 [wisdom] Attack (handheld): +4= 1 [base] +3 [strength] Attack (unarmed): +4= 1 [base] +3 [strength] Attack (missile): +3= 1 [base] +2 [dexterity] Grapple check: +4= 1 [base] +3 [strength] Light load:76 lb. or less Medium load:77-153 lb. Heavy load:154-230 lb. Lift over head:230 lb. Lift off ground:460 lb. Push or drag:1150 lb. Languages: Common, Dwarven, Drazai, Goblin Dwarven Waraxe [1d10, crit x3, 8 lb., one-handed, slashing] Light Crossbow [1d8, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., 4 lb, piercing] Chainmail [medium; +5 AC; max dex +2; check penalty -5; 40 lb.] Heavy Steel Shield +1 [+3 AC; max dex +2; check penalty -1; hp 20; 15 lb. , Magical] Feats: Weapon Focus (Waraxe, Dwarven) Endurance Skills: Appraise Int 2 = +2 Balance Dex* 2 = +2 Bluff Cha 0 = +0 Climb Str* 5 = +3 +2 Concentration Con 2 = +2 Craft(Gemcutting) Int 5 = +2 +3 Craft(Any) Int 2 = +2 Diplomacy Cha 0 = +0 Disguise Cha 0 = +0 Escape Artist Dex* 2 = +2 Forgery Int 2 = +2 Gather Information Cha 0 = +0 Heal Wis 0 = +0 Hide Dex* 2 = +2 Intimidate Cha 4 = +0 +4 Jump Str* 0 = +3 +3 -6 [speed 20] Listen Wis 0 = +0 Move Silently Dex* 2 = +2 Perform(Sing) Cha 1 = +0 +1(2) Ride Dex 2 = +2 Search Int 2 = +2 Sense Motive Wis 0 = +0 Spot Wis 0= +0 Survival Wis 0 = +0 Swim Str** 3 = +3 Use Rope Dex 2 = +2 Knowledge(Religion) Int 1= +2 +1(2) * = check penalty for wearing armor Craft >=5 ranks gives +2 on related appraise checks. Dwarf: • +2 constitution / -2 charisma (already included) • Can move 20 feet even if in heavy armor • Darkvision (see 60 feet in pitch-dark) • Stonecunning (+2 on searching stone, intuit depth) • +4 to avoid being bullrushed while standing on ground • +2 racial bonus on saves vs. poison • +2 racial bonus on saves vs. spells / spell-like abilities • +1 racial bonus to hit orcs and goblinoids • +4 dodge bonus on AC against giants • +4 stability bonus to avoid being tripped/bull rushed standing on ground • +2 racial bonus on appraise checks if stone/metal Fighter: • Bonus Feats (already included) Hanro Warpacer's Equipment: Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above) -------- 67 lb Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x 2 (20) ------- 2 lb Backpack ---------- 2 lb Bedroll ---------- 5 lb Rations (1 day) x5 -------- 5 lb Waterskin ---------- 4 lb Artisan tools ------------- 5 lb Pouch, Belt --------------- 3 lb Sword, Short -------------- 2 lb Flint and Steel ----------------- Total ------------- 95 lb PP: 0 GP: 0 SP: 4 CP: 0 More about Hanro Warpacer: Born and raised in the halls of Clan Thunderaxe, Hanro grew up in a society that was too rigid and too stiff for his liking. He was a playful lad, always interested in mischief, harmless as it was, and earned the disfavor of the his father, a gemcutter and merchant in his trade. Though his father would have preferred the lad to follow in his footsteps, or at least learn a proper trade, Hanro had other ideas. Hanro was far more interested in the outdoors, in travel in the mountains of his Clan. It was there that he had met half-orc mercenaries, and learned of their ways. One day, an unfamiliar dwarf, old and scarred, in battered and rusty armor, spiked and covered with grime, entered the secluded halls of the Clan. The older dwarves appeared to know him, and a few of the older warriors greeted him warmly. Hanro followed them to the tavern, and listen to them discussing old times, and mainly old battles. The unknown dwarf appeared to be interested solely in those, remembering the most grisly scenes of his past with amazing detail. Hanro had heard the boasting of warriors before, and learned that most was but overblown tales, but here he saw none of the usual signs. The old warriors of the Clan appeared to listen to his words with interest, even awe, and Hanro had never seen them look at any dwarf in that manner before. The ale was flowing that evening, and soon the stories became more and more graphic, with the newcomer occasionally slurring due to the truly gargantuan amounts of drink he had consumed. When Hanro was sure that the dwarf was going to collapse, he suddenly jumped on the table, spilling ale and breaking jugs with his heavy feet. And then he began to sing. It was a ballad, though not as good or well-constructed or well-sung as of the true ballad-singers of the Clan. It was a ballad of blood, of battle, of the swing of the axe and the cleaving of the flesh. Of the fall of the foe and the rage. It was there and then that Hanro first heard of a Battlerager, and realized exactly what the dwarf singing in a drunken slur was. The next day, Hanro inquired further about the 'visiting' Battlerager, as he first thought of him, and was told, to his unending surprise, that the Battlerager was of the Clan. He was Vargo Thighsmasher, and he had left decades ago to pay some obscure debt to a human friend. He was the last Battlerager the Clan had, though the situation was different once. Once, the Thighsmasher family was a family of many dwarves, all trained in the way of the Battlerager from generation to generation. Slowly, the family diminished, and fewer and fewer members of the Thighmasher family survived long enough to start a family, or cared to start one. Hanro, now decided fully on his course of action, asked for directions to Vargo's abode, where he found the old dwarf scraping off rust from his ghastly armor. With the innocence of youth, Hanro asked to be trained in the ways of the Battlerager. He was met with a laugh. It was a difficult path to become a Battlerager, he was told, and it would take much experience in combat to even start on the path, much more than what little Hanro possessed. Vargo was willing, though, to train the young and enthusiastic dwarven youth in the ways of war. Years passed. Vargo wasn't the best of teachers, always too gruff and too easy to give up on what he considered an inadequate pupil, but Hanro was always eager to learn, always eager to become better than he was. In the end, the old Battlerager was satisfied. He told Hanro that he had given him all that he could give, and that now he had to go and earn the practical experience that could not be taught. Hanro decided to join an expedition his Clan was organizing along with the Drazai Clan Tranmitz. He had seen them over the past few years, coming and going, busy in their secret project. Hanro viewed them with distrust, as he was taught to, but the fact that his own Clan had reached and agreement with these Drazai, and even joined them on some peculiar venture was something that he did not understand. The project was recently unveiled, an airship that was to rival the transport services of the dragons. There was an expedition planned, nothing much beyond a venture to discover new land and trade. It was a place to start. Personality: Hanro is kindhearted, and has a mischievous streak in him left over from his younger days, though he has learned to accept the necessity of law and order in a society. He is thoughtful, though sometimes too quick to react. Goals: Hanro is interested in adventure, in seeing new lands and in learning the ways of battle. He wishes to eventually become a Battlerager and restore that order to his Clan. edit: Updated the character, made a few changes in selections. For those wanting a bit more ease with the character sheet generation, this site could help: Javascript D&D 3.5 Character Generator
Name: Domonohov Kannin Gender: Male Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Good Class/Level: Artificer/1 Physical Description: Age: 17 Size: Medium Height:6' Weight: 175lb Skin: Pale, freckles Eyes: Green Hair: Light Brown, cut short and spiky Stats: Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 13 (+1) Charisma 17 (+3) Total Hit Points: 8 Armor Class: 15 Touch AC: 12 Flat-footed: 13 Initiative modifier: +2= +2 [dexterity] Fortitude save: +2 Reflex save: +2 Will save: +3 Grapple check: 0 Light load: <33lb Medium load: 34-66lb Heavy load: 67-100lb Lift over head: 100lb Lift off ground: 200lb Push or drag: 500lb Languages: Common, Dwarven, Draconian Feats: Scribe Scroll Legendary Artisan (=25% in XP) Exceptional Artisan (25% less time) Class Features Item Creation: 20 reserve points Artificer Knowledge: Check 15 Scribe Scroll Artisan Bonus: 3 Disable Trap Skills: Appraise Int 2 = +2 Balance Dex* 2 = +2 Bluff Cha 3 = 3+0 Climb Str* 0 = 0 Concentration Con 2 = 2 Craft(Weaponsmithing) Int 6 = +2 +4 Craft(Any) Int 2 = +2 Diplomacy Cha 3 = +3 Disguise Cha 3 = +3 Disable Device Int 6= +2+4 Escape Artist Dex* 2 = +2 Forgery Int 2 = +2 Gather Information Cha 3 = +3 Heal Wis 1 = +1 Hide Dex* 2 = +2 Intimidate Cha 3 = +3 Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 6=+2+4 Jump Str* 0 = Listen Wis 1 = +1 Move Silently Dex* 2 = +2 Open Lock Dex 6 = +2+4 Ride Dex 2 = +2 Search Int 6 = +2 +4 Sense Motive Wis 1 = +1 Spellcraft Int 6 = +2 +4 Spot Wis 1= +1 Survival Wis 1 = +1 Swim Str** 0 = Use Magic Device Cha 7= +3 +4 Use Rope Dex 2 = +2 * = check penalty for wearing armor WEAPONS Light Crossbow 1d8 19-20/x2 80ft Attack Bonus=2 Quartestaff 1d6/1d6 x2 Attack Bonus=0 Melf's Acid Arrow 2d4 520ft range Unkown number of charges left Attack Bonus=2 ARMOUR Studded Leather Armour AC BOnus +3 Max Dex 5 Check Penalty -1 Spell Failure 15% Weight 25 lb HUMANS *Medium: As Medium creatures, humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Human base land speed is 30 feet. *1 extra feat at 1st level. *4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level. *Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Speak Language skill. *Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass human takes an experience point penalty, his or her highest-level class does not count. Domonohov Kannin's Equipment: Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)-------- 33 lb Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x 2 (20) ------- 2 lb Artisan tools (master)----------------------------5lbs Ink-------------------------------------------------1 ounce Ink pen--------------------------------------------- Parchment (10 sheets)--------------------------- Backpack------------------------------------------2lb Rope------------------------------------------------10lbs Total ------------- 52lbs 1 ounce PP: 0 GP: 59 SP: 9 CP: 0 More about Domonohov Kannin: Little Dom, called that even though he grew to be taller than the rest of his family, was born and raised in the artificer trade. His father and two uncles run one of Endrok's most succesfull smiths. Domonohov is a shy boy, who enjoys tinkering around more than anything. Being one of the sons of the city's most famous smiths is both a plus and a burden to him. He has the tools and the experienced minds withing his reach but he also is, now that he is grown, a target for the match makers. He just finished his internship and he joins the expedition for the experience. His father also hopes that getting the boy out in the sun and making him walk around a bit will make him more healthy-looking, so he gave his blessing.
Om broke her promise. Naughty Om. Okay, I've got two characters I'll be playing for us. As my flash drive is in another room, their stats and details are a complete mystery to me. One's a half-elf chap who grew up in a small settlement of costal buccaniers. He's already learned a lot about the life of a sailor, merchant adventurer, and even a pirate. He's not a bad guy, as such, but his interests in volunteering for an airship mission are not entirely rooted in a lust for adventure and exploration. Imagine if air trade could become the most profitible way to ferry cargo anywhere... Now... imagine how much an air pirate could make feasting off less cunning air ships! he's charismatic, extremely intelligent, and usually up to more than he lets on. despite any unsavory or ruthless ambitions he may hide, he's not evil by any stretch and takes a genuine interest in the people he chooses to call friend. the other is a half-orc who's a bit of a troubled lad. his tribe have maintained a lifestyle that's even more nomadic than usual for half orcs. according to their shamanistic traditions, one of their heros who helped overthrow the evil black hearted orcs wandered the mountains on a spiritual journey that eventually saw him do battle with an orcish god or demi god and, for his bravery, he was granted some semi-divine powers himself. he speaks to his tribe in dreams, from time to time. well, this character was always plauged by strangely prophetic dreams as a child, but the dreams faded away by the time he hit puberty. the shamans had already taken him under their collective wing, but his gift had failed him, and he often purged himself as a self-punishment. even when his demi-god would speak to him through prayer, he still craved the dreams that had troubled him as a youngling. thus, among a people who despise slavery and shackles in any form, following a divinity that upholds liberty and strength as ideals, he's become known as 'Slave-to-Dreams' among his people. he's morose at times, and given to black moods, but these are just a patina tarnishing a fiercely proud warrior spirit. when a dream finally spoke to him, telling him of the need to travel across the sky, he wasted no time in riding out of the mountains to enlish on the mission.
oh yes, character descriptions... i *have* got names for these guys, just not readily available, by the way. half-elf is born to two half-elven parents, so his features are a bit atypical even for an atypical species. his hair is dark brown, almost black, and his eyes are a pale grey that can almost look watery at times. he wears a thick beard that's trimmed to follow his jawline closely, and keeps his upper lip bare. his skin is fairly tanned all over, from a lifetime on the coast or on the deck of a ship. his build is slight by human standards, and fairly sturdy by elven, but clearly lithe and graceful. in contrast to this, while his movements and bodylanguage are proud and certain on the deck of a ship, on stable ground he moves much more deliberately and with caution, almost like someone unsure of their legs, or with numb feet. the half orc is a hulking knot of twisted muscle. that's the long and short of it. even among his own people his strength is famous, and for one who wasn't raised a warrior his skill with the glaive is equally as impresive. his eyes are all black, and the irises are quite large, leaving little white showing around them. he keeps his head shaved bare. but the most stunning qualities of his appearance are the scars and tattoos... his face is tattooed in a grim mask of frustrated anger, with extra eyes climbing up his forehead, and a wider mouth inked on his lips around his own. his forearms are tattooed in his own hand with holy phrases and teachings of his god, and his chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms are all criss crossed to varying degrees with scars. Many of these are little more than scratches or cuts that tore the skin roughly, but some are quite severe. a close inspection, if anyone wanted to make one that is, would show quite a few of the scars are very recent.
Silja Viskinnar Female Human Rogue 1, Chaotic Good Representing Hsing Strength 13 (+1) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 13 (+1) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 16 (+3) Charisma 12 (+1) Size: Medium Height: 5' 6" Weight: 130 lb Skin: Pale Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Black Total Hit Points: 7 Speed: 30 feet Armor Class: 13 = 10 +3 [dexterity] Touch AC: 13 Flat-footed: 10 Initiative modifier: +3 = +3 [dexterity] Fortitude save: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [constitution] Reflex save: +5 = 2 [base] +3 [dexterity] Will save: +3 = 0 [base] +3 [wisdom] Attack (handheld): +1 = 0 [base] +1 [strength] Attack (unarmed): +1 = 0 [base] +1 [strength] Attack (missile): +3 = 0 [base] +3 [dexterity] Grapple check: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [strength] Light load: 50 lb. or less Medium load: 51-100 lb. Heavy load: 101-150 lb. Lift over head: 150 lb. Lift off ground: 300 lb. Push or drag: 750 lb. Languages: Common, Dwarven, Halfling Sap [1d6 nonlethal, crit x2., 2 lb., light, bludgeoning] Short Sword [1d6, crit 19-20/x2, 1 lb, light, piercing] Shortbow [1d6, crit x3, range inc. 60 ft., 2 lb., piercing] Feats: Skill Name KeyAbility SkillModifier AbilityModifier Ranks Misc.Modifier Appraise Int 2 = +2 Balance Dex* 7 = +3 +4 Bluff Cha 1 = +1 Climb Str* 5 = +1 +4 Concentration Con 1 = +1 Craft_1 Int 2 = +2 Craft_2 Int 2 = +2 Craft_3 Int 2 = +2 Diplomacy Cha 1 = +1 Disable Device Int 6 = +2 +4 Disguise Cha 1 = +1 Escape Artist Dex* 4 = +3 +1 Forgery Int 2 = +2 Gather Information Cha 1 = +1 Heal Wis 3 = +3 Hide Dex* 10 = +3 +4 +3 [skill focus] Intimidate Cha 1 = +1 Jump Str* 4 = +1 +3 Listen Wis 6 = +3 +3 Move Silently Dex* 10 = +3 +4 +3 [skill focus] Open Lock Dex 7 = +3 +4 Perform_1 Cha 1 = +1 Perform_2 Cha 1 = +1 Perform_3 Cha 1 = +1 Perform_4 Cha 1 = +1 Perform_5 Cha 1 = +1 Ride Dex 4 = +3 +1 Search Int 6 = +2 +4 Sense Motive Wis 3 = +3 Spot Wis 3 = +3 Survival Wis 3 = +3 Swim Str** 2 = +1 +1 Tumble Dex* 5 = +3 +2 Use Magic Device Cha 3 = +1 +2 Use Rope Dex 5 = +3 +2 * = check penalty for wearing armor Silja Viskinnar's Equipment: Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above) Arrows (quiver of 20) x2 Bedroll Ink pen Locks x1 Paper sheets x4 Rope (50', silk) x1 Sewing needle Signal whistle Soap Climber's kit Thieves' tools ------------------------ 29 lb
Forgot to copy my feats in: Feats: Skill Focus (Hide) Skill Focus (Move Silently) If that is okay, I changed my armor class and equipment (I simply forgot about that, if it's too late, I have to live with it and see my char gets equipped during the game. ) Sil's Equipment: Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above) Arrows (quiver of 20) x2 Blanket, winter x1 Chalk Fishhook Ink pen Locks x1 Paper sheets x3 Rope (50', silk) x1 Sewing needle Signal whistle Climber's kit Thieves' tools Total 46 lbs Armor class: Armor Class: 16 = 10 +3 [studded] +3 [dexterity] Touch AC: 13 Flat-footed: 13
i still have to count my gold... I'm so sorry I'm so slow on the uptake, and with my input, but recently i always find that life is always a few metres ahead of me, like a bus driven by a sadistic driver that loves to speed off as soon as I appear in the rear view mirror....
Name: Corben Taylor (previously Miller) Gender: Male Race: Human Alignment: Neutral Good Class/Level: Fighter/1 Physical Description: Age: 19 Size: Medium Height:5'11'' Weight: 180lb Skin: Tanned Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark, cropped close to his head Stats: Strength 15 (+2) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 17 (+3) Intelligence 13 (+1) Wisdom 11 (0) Charisma 14 (+2) Total Hit Points: 13 Armor Class: 17 Touch AC: 12 Flat-footed: 15 Initiative modifier: +2 Fortitude save: +5 Reflex save: +2 Will save: 0 Grapple check: 3 Light load: <63lb Medium load: 64-133lb Heavy load: >133lb Languages: Common, Draconic Feats: Power Attack Combat Expertise Weapon Focus (Greatsword) Skills: Appraise Int 1 Balance Dex* 2 Bluff Cha 2 Climb Str* 6 (4 skill points) Concentration Con 3 Decipher Script Int 1 Diplomacy Cha 2 Disable Device Int 1 Disguise Cha 2 Escape Artist Dex* 2 Forgery Int 1 Gather Information Cha 2 Handle Animal Cha 6 (4 skill points) Heal Wis 0 Hide Dex* 2 Intimidate Cha 2 Jump Str* 6 (4 skill points) Listen Wis 0 Move Silently Dex* 2 Open Lock Dex 2 Ride Dex 6 (4 skill points) Search Int 1 Sense Motive Wis 0 Sleight of Hand Dex 2 Spellcraft Int 1 Spot Wis 0 Survival Wis 0 Swim Str** 2 Tumble Dex 2 Use Magic Device Cha 2 Use Rope Dex 2 * = check penalty for wearing armor WEAPONS Greatsword 1d10/2d6 19-20/x2 Attack Bonus=5 Javelin(x4) 1d4/1d6 x2 Range=30ft Attack Bonus=3 Morningstar 1d6/1d8 x2 Attack Bonus=3 Gauntlet 1d2/1d3 x2 Attack Bonus=3 ARMOUR Chainmail ACBOnus +5 MaxDex 2 CheckPenalty -5 Spell Failure 30% Weight 40lb HUMANS *Medium: As Medium creatures, humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Human base land speed is 30 feet. *1 extra feat at 1st level. *4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level. *Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Speak Language skill. *Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass human takes an experience point penalty, his or her highest-level class does not count. Corben Taylor's Equipment: Weapons / Armor (from above)--63lbs Traveller's Outfit ------------------5lbs Backpack---------------------------2lbs Bedroll------------------------------5lbs Tent---------------------------------20lbs Waterskin---------------------------4lbs Lamp, common--------------------1lb Oil (3pts)---------------------------3lbs Rope, silk---------------------------5lbs Rations (x5)------------------------5lbs Mug, clay---------------------------1lb Total ------------- 113lbs PP: 0 GP: 1 SP: 9 CP: 8 More about Corben Taylor: Corben Miller was the fifth and youngest son of his father who, naturally, owned his own mill. His mother died when he was just 3 years old, which left him in the care of his fathers and brothers. With his mother dead, he didn’t receive the protection that some youngest children get and was instead brought up with rough and tumble, including several semi-serious fights with his older siblings. His days were spent mostly in the mill, helping his father move wheat, water and finally flour around. His evenings were spent ‘playing’ with his family. This made him much tougher than other children his age, but due to his isolation at the mill, he rarely met anyone else to know that. At the age of 13, his father died and with a combination of grief and fear of what his oldest brother would do with him, he ran away from home. He wandered the streets for some time, begging food before he decided to join the Endrok army. He changed his surname to Taylor for the application form and lied about his age. With his advanced build and the need for more troops, the recruiting officer took his word that he was 15. Corben trained hard in the army and found the abuse from his fellow soldiers to be slightly less than that of his brothers. Food was also more regularly on his table. He learnt many skills in training, but he impressed his tutors especially with his swordplay. At the age of 17 (though they thought him 19), he brought himself a greatsword, having saved his earnings for several years. He took several private lessons in the next year to become proficient when using it. After 6 years in the army, his feet became itchy and when volunteers for an expedition on an airship were requested, he immediately signed up.
ba, i need to run a few feat options by you when you get a chance. email me at work or ask roman about the specifics, if he can remember which ones they are. there's two from complete adventurer and two from races of destiny that i'd like to know if you'd be willing to permit. i may retool slightly based on those choices.
Name: Faddenmerith Ranger Gender: Male (I still stand by the fact that I can’t play females) Race: Desert Elf Alignment: Chaotic Good Class/Level : Ranger/1 Physical Description: Age: 198 Size: Medium Height: 5'8'' Weight: 110lb Skin: Tanned Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark, long. Kept away from his face by the way of a thin leather thong. The hair’s braided and the thin braid almost reaches his waist. Clothing: Lose robes of some light, in both colour material, fabric. General appearance: The tip of his right ear is missing and a thick scar mars his right cheek just missing his nose before it turns downwards and meets his upper lip. Stats: Strength 16 (+2) Dexterity 18 (+5) [racial bonus +2] Constitution 14 (+1) [racial un-bonus -2] Intelligence 13 (+1) Wisdom 15 (+2) Charisma 8 (-1) Total Hit Points: 9 Armor Class: 18 Touch AC: 15 Flat-footed: 13 Initiative modifier: +5 Fortitude save: +3 Reflex save: +7 Will save: +2 Grapple check: 3 Languages: Elven, Common, Draconic Feats: Track Wild empathy Favoured Enemy (gnomes) Point Blank shot Skills: Climb Str* 3 Concentration Con 2 Handle Animal Cha 5 (4 skill points + racial bonus +2) Heal Wis 6 (4 skill points) Hide Dex* 5 Jump Str* 2 Listen Wis 2 Move Silently Dex* 9 (4 skill points) Ride Dex 11 (4 skill points + racial bonus +2) Search Int 7 (4 skill points) Spot Wis 8 (4 skill points + racial bonus +2) Survival Wis 6 (4 skill points) Swim Str** 2 Use Rope Dex 5 * = check penalty for wearing armor WEAPONS Scmitar 1d6+2/1d6 x2 Attack Bonus=3 Shortbow (composite) 1d6/1d6 x3 Attack Bonus=6 ARMOUR Studded leather shirt AC Bonus: 3 Weapons / Armor (from above)--20lbs Scmitar-----------------------------4lbs Arrows(30pcs)---------------------5lbs Shortbow---------------------------2lbs Backpack---------------------------2lbs Bedroll------------------------------5lbs Waterskin---------------------------4lbs Rope, hemp-------------------------5lbs Rations (x5)------------------------5lbs Mug, clay---------------------------1lb Total ------------- 53lbs
Garner couldn't get his characters posted in time, so Ba's doing it for him. Isn't Ba nice? Name: Bedge Talom Gender: Male Race: Half-elf Alignment: Chaotic Good? Class/Level: Thief/1 Physical Description: Age: ? Size: Medium Height:? Weight: ? Skin: Tanned Eyes: Pale gray Hair: Dark Brown Stats: Strength 13 (+1) Dexterity 18 (+4) Constitution 12 (+1) Intelligence 18 (+4) Wisdom 11 (+0) Charisma 14 (+2) Total Hit Points: 7 Armor Class: 19 Touch AC: 14 Flat-footed: 15 Initiative modifier: +4= +4 [dexterity] Fortitude save: +1 Reflex save: +6 Will save: +0 (+2 Enchantments) Grapple check: 1 Light load: <50lb Medium load: 51-100lb Heavy load: 101-150lb Lift over head: 150lb Lift off ground: 300lb Push or drag: 750lb Languages: Common, Elven, Halfling, Aquan, Draconic, Gnome Feats: Complementary Insight (+3 synergy instead of +2) Improved Diversion (can use bluff as a move action to create a distraction, and then a +4 on hide checks) Class Features Trapfinding Skills: Appraise Int 6 = 2+4 (+1 when appraising by weight) Balance Dex 6 = 2+4 Bluff Cha 6 = 4+2 Climb Str 3 = 2+1 Concentration Con 1 = 0+1 Craft(Shipwright) Int 6 = 2+4 Craft(Any) Int 4 = 0+4 Diplomacy Cha 6 = 2+2+2 Disguise Cha 2 = 0+2 Disable Device Int 6 = 2+4 Escape Artist Dex 4 = 0+4 Forgery Int 4 = 0+4 Gather Information Cha 6 = 2+2+2 Heal Wis 0 = 0+0 Hide Dex 6 = 2+4 Intimidate Cha 2 = 0+2 Jump Str 3 = 2+1 Knowledge (Geography) 5 = 1+4 Listen Wis 3 = 2+0+1 Move Silently Dex 6 = 2+4 Open Lock Dex 6 = 2+4 Profession (Sailor) 2 = 2+0 Profession (Trader) 2 = 2+0 Ride Dex 4 = 0+4 Search Int 7 = 2+4+1 Sense Motive Wis 0 = 0+0 Sleight of hand Dex 8 = 4+4 Spot Wis 3 = 2+0+1 Survival Wis 2 = 2+0 Swim Str 3 = 2+1 Tumble Dex 6 = 2+4 Use Magic Device Cha 2 = 0+2 Use Rope Dex 4 = 0+4 * = check penalty for wearing armor WEAPONS Cutlass (Rapier) 1d6+1 18-20/x2 Attack Bonus=1 Light Crossbow 1d8 19-20 x2 80ft Attack Bonus=4 Cold Iron Dagger 1d4+1 19-20/x2 Attack Bonus=1, or if thrown, 10 ft Attack Bonus +4 Darts 1d4+1 x2 20 ft. Attack Bonus=4 ARMOUR Studded Leather Armor +2 AC Bonus +5 Max Dex 5 Check Penalty 0 Spell Failure 15% Weight 25 lb Half-Elves *Medium: As Medium creatures, half-elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Half-elf base land speed is 30 feet. *Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and +2 racial bonus on saves vs. enchantment spells or effects. *Low-Light Vision: A half-elf can see twice as far as a human can in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color under these conditions. *+1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A half-elf does not have the elf's ability to notice secret doors simply by passing near them. Half-elves have keen senses, but not as keen as those of an elf. *+2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks. Half-elves naturally get along with all people. *Elven Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-elf is considered an elf. Half-elves, for example, are just as vulnerable to special effects that affect elves as their elven ancestors are, and they can use magic items that are only usable by elves. *Automatic Language: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Speak Language skill. *Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass half-elf takes an experience point penalty, his or her highest-level class does not count. Bedge Talom's Equipment: Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)-------- 34 lb Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x 3 (30) --------- 3 lb Thieves tools--------------------------------------- 1 lb Hammock------------------------------------------ 1 lb Fingerblades---------------------------------------- ** Gameboard, Dice---------------------------------- 1 lb Backpack------------------------------------------- 2 lb Map Case-------------------------------------------1/2 lb Chest------------------------------------------------ 25 lb Book (Spell book)---------------------------------- 3 lb Ink (vial)-------------------------------------------- 1 oz Belt Pouches (2)------------------------------------ 1 lb Silk Rope-------------------------------------------- 5 lb Rations (5 days)------------------------------------ 5 lb Water Skin------------------------------------------ 4 lb Sunrod (2)------------------------------------------ 2 lb Merchant's Scales---------------------------------- ???? Wine, Bottle, Fine-----------------------------------1 1/2 lb Total ------------- 91lbs 1 ounce PP: 1 GP: 5 SP: 9 CP: 10 More about Bedge Talom: Left for Garner to fill in. Name: Goryn Slave-of-Dreams Gender: Male Race: Half-orc Alignment: Chaotic Good? Class/Level: Cleric/1 Physical Description: Age: ? Size: Medium Height:? Weight: ? Skin: ? Eyes: Black Hair: Bald Stats: Strength 19 (+4) Dexterity 11 (+0) Constitution 10 (+0) Intelligence 11 (+0) Wisdom 17 (+3) Charisma 11 (+0) Total Hit Points: 8 Armor Class: 16 (Fifteen when attacking with glaive) Touch AC: 10 Flat-footed: 16 Initiative modifier: +0= +0 Fortitude save: +2 Reflex save: +0 Will save: +5 Grapple check: 4 Light load: <116lb Medium load: 117-233lb Heavy load: 234-350lb Lift over head: 350lb Lift off ground: 700lb Push or drag: 1750lb Languages: Common, Dwarven Feats: Weapon Proficiency (Glaive) Weapon Focus (Glaive) Heroic Destiny (once a day, roll 1d6 before an attack or skill check or similar and add that as a bonus) Class Features Strength Domain War Domain Turn Undead Skills: Appraise Int 0 = 0+0 Balance Dex* 0 = 0+0 (-6) Bluff Cha 0 = 0+0 Climb Str* 4 = 0+4 (-2) Concentration Con 2 = 2+0 Craft(Any) Int 0 = 0+0 Diplomacy Cha 3 = 0+0+2 Disguise Cha 0 = 0+0 Escape Artist Dex* 0 = 0+0 (-6) Forgery Int 0 = 0+0 Gather Information Cha 0 = 0+0 Heal Wis 5 = 2+3 Hide Dex* 0 = 0+0 (-6) Intimidate Cha 0 = 0+0 Jump Str* 4 = 0+4 (-2) Knowledge (Religion) 2 = 2+0 Listen Wis 3 = 0+3 Move Silently Dex* 0 = 0+0 (-6) Ride Dex 0 = 0+0 Search Int 0 = 0+0 Sense Motive Wis 3 = 0+3 Sleight of hand Dex* 0 = 0+0 (-6) Spot Wis 3 = 0+3 Survival Wis 3 = 0+3 Swim Str 4 = 0+4 (-7) Tumble Dex* 0 = 0+0 (-6) Use Rope Dex 0 = 0+0 * = check penalty for wearing armor WEAPONS Glaive (Rapier) 1d10+4 x3 Attack Bonus=5 (Reach Weapon) Gauntlet, Spiked 1d4+4 x2 Attack Bonus=4 Javelins 1d6+4 x2 20 ft. Attack Bonus=0 ARMOUR Chainmail AC Bonus +5 Max Dex 2 Check Penalty -5 Spell Failure 25% Weight 40 lb Buckler AC Bonus +1 Check Penalty -1 Spell Failure 5% Weight 5 lb Spells Per Day: 3 0-Level 2+1 1-Level Half-Orcs *Medium: As Medium creatures, half-orcs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Half-orc base land speed is 30 feet. *Darkvision: Half-orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and half-orc can function with no light at all. *Orc Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-orc is considered an orc. Half-orcs, for example, are just as vulnerable to special effects that affect orcs as their orcish ancestors are, and they can use magic items that are only usable by orcs. *+2 to Diplomacy or Intimidate, chosen by the player at creation. *Weapon Familiarity: Half-orcs can treat orc double axes as martial weapons. *Faster Healing: Half orcs heal three hit points per two levels per night, instead of one hit point per level per night. *Automatic Language: Common and Dwarven or Drazai. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, and Abyssal. *Favored Class: Barbarian. When determining whether a multiclass half-orc takes an experience point penalty, his or her barbarian class doesn't count. Goryn Slave-of-Dreams's Equipment: Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)-------- 62 lb Holy Symbol--------------------------------------- 1 lb Backpack------------------------------------------- 2 lb Bedroll---------------------------------------------- 5 lb Sack-------------------------------------------------1/2 lb Flint-and-Steel-------------------------------------- ** Lamp (Common)----------------------------------- 1 lb Oil (3 Flasks)---------------------------------------- 3 lb Belt Pouches (2)------------------------------------ 1 lb Rations (5 days)------------------------------------ 5 lb Water Skin------------------------------------------ 4 lb Sunrod (2)------------------------------------------ 2 lb Wand of Summon Monster II --------------------- 1 oz Total ------------- 86lbs 9 ounces PP: 0 GP: 4 SP: 22 CP: 20 More about Goryn Slave-of-Dreams: Left for Garner to fill in.
Roman also was unable to post his second character. Here it is. Name: Szazzkur Gender: Male Race: Drazai Alignment: Lawful Good Class/Level: Wizard/1 Physical Description: Age: 21 Size: Small Height:3'7 Weight: 48 lb Skin: Dark Bronze Eyes: Green Crest: Blue Stats: Strength 9 (-1) Dexterity 18 (+4) Constitution 13 (+1) Intelligence 20 (+5) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 15 (+2) Total Hit Points: 5 Armor Class: 15 Touch AC: 15 Flat-footed: 11 Initiative modifier: +4= +4 [dexterity] Fortitude save: +1 Reflex save: +4 Will save: +4 (+2 Confusion) Grapple check: -5 Light load: <30lb Medium load: 31-60lb Heavy load: 61-90lb Lift over head: 90lb Lift off ground: 180lb Push or drag: 450lb Languages: Common, Draz, Draconic, Dwarven, Abyssal, Gnome, Terran Feats: Scribe Scroll Eschew Materials Class Features Summon Familiar Skills: Appraise Int 5 = 0+5 Balance Dex 4 = 0+4 Bluff Cha 2 = 0+2 Climb Str 1 = 0-1+2 Concentration Con 5 = 4+1 Craft(Armorsmithing) Int 9 = 4+5 Craft(Any) Int 5 = 0+5 Decipher Script 9 = 4+5 Diplomacy Cha 2 = 0+2 Disguise Cha 2 = 0+2 Escape Artist Dex 4 = 0+4 Forgery Int 5 = 0+5 Gather Information Cha 2 = 0+2 Heal Wis 2 = 0+2 Hide Dex 8 = 0+4+4 Intimidate Cha 2 = 0+2 Jump Str -3 = 0-1-2 Knowledge (Arcana) 9 = 4+5 Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 6 = 1+5 Knowledge (Religion) 6 = 1+5 Knowledge (Planes) 7 = 2+5 Knowledge (Architecture and Engeineering) 6 = 1+5 Knowledge (Geography) 6 = 1+5 Listen Wis 2 = 0+2 Move Silently Dex 4 = 0+4 Perform (Any) Cha 2 = 0+2 Profession (Scribe) 4 = 2+2 Ride Dex 4 = 0+4 Search Int 5 = 0+5 Sense Motive Wis 2 = 0+42 Sleight of hand Dex 4 = 0+4 Spot Wis 2 = 0+2 Survival Wis 2 = 0+2 Swim Str -1 = 2-1 Tumble Dex 4 = 0+4 Use Rope Dex 4 = 0+4 * = check penalty for wearing armor WEAPONS Dagger [1d3, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1/2 lb., light, piercing] Light Crossbow [1d6, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., 2 lb, piercing] Spells Per Day: 3 0-Level 3 1-Level ARMOUR None Drazai *Small Size. *Base speed 20 feet. *Low-light Vision *+2 craft checks involving metal. *+2 racial bonus on climb checks. *+2 Racial bonus vs. Confusion. *Claws (unarmed attacks do slashing damage) *Spell-like Abilities: Detect Magic and Amanuensis 1/day, Caster Level 1st Light 3/day, Caster Level 1st *Automatic Language: Common and Draz. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Speak Language skill. *Favored Class: Wizard Szazzkur's Equipment: Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)--------2.5 lb Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x 4 (40) --------- 1 lb Backpack------------------------------------------- 8 oz Bedroll---------------------------------------------- 1 lb, 4 oz Blanket, Winter----------------------------------- 12 oz Scroll case----------------------------------------- 8 oz Flint and Steel-------------------------------------- ** Ink Vial--------------------------------------------- 1 oz Ink Pen--------------------------------------------- ** Book (Spell book)---------------------------------- 4 lb Parchment Sheets (8)------------------------------ ** Belt Pouch------------------------------------------- 2 oz Rations (5 days)------------------------------------ 1 lb, 4 oz Water Skins (2)-------------------------------------- 2 lb Artisan Tools---------------------------------------- 5 lb Total ------------- 18 lbs, 15 ounces Spellbook: Leather Cover, Linen Paper, Slipcase, 4lb, 3 Hardness, 3HP, 13/100 pages full. Spells: Level 0: Read Magic, Arcane Mark, Resistance, Detect Magic, Touch of Fatigue. Level 1: Grease, Mage Armor, Summon Monster I, Expeditious Retreat, Sleep, Magic Missile, Shield, Fist of Stone. PP: 0 GP: 8 SP: 1 CP: 0 More about Szazzkur: Born and raised in the cavern city of Tranmitz, Szazzkur was a gifted child. As he grew in age, it became apparent that the young Drazai was capable of grasping even the most abstract and difficult concepts with amazing ease. He spent his time either in the various schools and libraries of the clan, studying any topic and reading any book that caught his eye, or in his father's forge, who was one of the clan's few armorsmiths. Like most Drazai, Szazzkur regarded arms and armor to be a waste of metal, but he understood that such waste was sometimes required for the survival of the clan. Szaz's studies eventually shifted from the mundane to the arcane, and to the even stranger tomes that tried to impart to the reader an understanding of the planes. Szaz, who was working as a scribe at the time to fund his fervent searches for knowledge, decided that the mundane world was not enough for him. He knew where he had to go to continue his quest. He applied to the Academy of Magic, and was accepted almost immediately. He showed an aptitude for both the arcane and divine forms of magic, as well as interest in both. When his apprenticeship was over, Szaz decided to go seek knowledge in far lands, as he felt that his clan halls had little more to offer him. He would join the airship expedition, he decided, and perhaps learn things in the lands beyond the sea that no other Drazai had learned before. Szazzkur stands slightly taller than his species' average height at 3' 7". He has green eyes, a blue crest, and dark bronze scales. He is kind-hearted and gentle, and sees violence as a last resort, but when he has set his mind to it, though, he does not shirk from it. Szazzkur believes that law and order are the cornerstones of any society, and he abhors chaos and injustice. He sees the world as a puzzle box, that can be opened if one but has the right tools. He knows little of dwarves, and cares little for them, but he has learned to treat them with more than disdain after his meetings with a few of those who worked on the airship project. Not all dwarves, he decided, were greedy wastrels of metal. Some could perhaps be redeemed.
garner didn't want his characters posted at all, but as ba made a critical typo when doing so, garner will be taking the summon monster III wand all the way to the bank.
Finally, my background story... well, most of it. Silja Viskinnar comes from a family of itinerant workers; no nomads with tradition, only cheap labourers that had been moving around all the time for generations, and usually died young. There were several loose clans meeting then and again on the road, and sometimes exchanging news, or children among them, depending on where the best employment for them was to be expected. Never having enough of anything, her people took what they could get their hands on without getting in too much trouble. All the children learnt hard work, and quite some tricks early on. Silja has neither fond nor traumatic memories of those days. When she was offered to be taught a trade that might open a few more doors into the future, she still took the chance: An elder brother of hers, whom she barely remembered and who was a soldier for Telmath by now, saw her potential, mainly her talent not to be seen at all, and introduced her to his superiors. Silja worked as and was educated to be a scout – freelance to be allowed to stay a civilian, but committing herself for the next three years. When those three years were over, she was generally interested to see as much of the world as possible, as well as to find out what to do with her skills in the long run. Another three years down the road, she’s still unsure of what her place in the world would be, and still eager to find out.
Fixed. And Garner's stats are posted because Ba is holding everyone to the same standards. Others were required to post their stats, therefore Garner's stats will be no different.
but that's the second time ba said summon monster III, so garner assumes ba meant summon monster III now.
Very well, it is a wand of summon monster III. Unfortunately, it's underpowered. Instead of summoning a creature from the Summon Monster III list, it can only summon a creature from the Summon Monster II list, or 1d3 of the Summon Monster I list. Pity, that.
The dork that is me has uploaded a rough sketch of Silja in my personal album. Long live photoshop.
Here be character stats, description and history to follow. Name: Tygan Gender: Male Race: Half-orc Alignment: Lawful Neutral Class/Level: Monk Level One Physical Description Age: 19 Size: Med Height: 6’6” Weight: 350 lb Skin: Greyish Eyes: Black Hair: Black Stats STR 17 (+3) DEX 17 (+3) CON 15 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 13 (+1) Total Hit Points: 10 Speed: 30ft Armour Class: 16 Touch AC: 16 Flat-footed AC: 13 Initiative modifier: +3 Fortitude save: +4 Reflex save: +5 Will save: +5 Grapple check: +3 Languages: Common, Drazai, Draconic Class Features: Flurry of Blows Unarmed Strike Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike Stunning Fist Leap of the Heavens (PHB II, p80) Special Abilities: Darkvision (60ft) Fast Healing – 3 pts per 2 lvls per night Skills: Appraise: 1 = 1+0 Balance: 5 = 3+2 Bluff: 1 = 1+0 Climb: 4 = 3+1 Concentration: 2 = 2+0 Craft: 1 = 1+0 Diplomacy: 1 = 1+0 Disguise: 1 = 1+0 Escape Artist: 3 = 3+0 Forgery: 1 = 1+0 Gather Information: 1 = 1+0 Heal: 3 = 3+0 Hide: 3 = 3+0 Intimidate: 3 = 1+0+2 (Racial bonus) Jump: 7 = 3+4 Knowledge (Arcana): 1 = 1+0 Knowledge (Religion): 1 = 1+0 Listen: 7 = 3+4 Move Silently: 4 = 3+1 Profession (Herder): 4 = 3+1 Ride: 3 = 3+0 Search: 1 = 1+0 Sense Motive: 3 = 3+0 Spot: 6 = 3+3 Survival: 3 = 3+0 Swim: 3 = 3+0 Tumble: 7 = 3+4 Use rope: 3 = 3+0 Attacks: Unarmed Strike: Attack bonus +3, Damage 1d6+3, Critical x2, Bludgeoning (Treat as armed) Flurry of Blows: +1/+1, 1d6+3, x2, B (Full round action) Quarterstaff: +3 or +1/+1, 1d6+3, x2, B Sling: +3, 1d4+3, x2, Range 50ft, B NO ARMOUR Equipment: Light load: 86lb or less Medium load: 87-173 lb Heavy load: 174-260lb Lift over head: 260lb Lift off ground: 320lb Push or drag: 1300lb Backpack, 2 lb Bedroll, 5 lb Belt pouch, 8 oz 10 sling bullets, 5 lb Waterskin, 4 lb 1 x trail rations, 1 lb Sack, 8 oz Flint & steel, - 3 x torches, 3 lb TOTAL WEIGHT: 21 lb, light load PP: 0 GP: 4 SP: 0 CP: 0 Edit by garner: Grace left off a language.